var Durian = { // OK alert : function(msg, type) { var layer = jQuery('#__alert__'); if (layer.length) { Durian.alertLayer(layer, msg, type); } else { try { var alert_tpl = Durian.initCommon.isMobile ? '/common/js/alert/' : '/common/js/alert/alert.html'; jQuery.ajax({ url : alert_tpl, type : 'POST', dataType : 'TEXT', data : { msg : msg, dummy : Util.random(1, 10000) }, success : function(html) { var layer = jQuery('
') .css('padding', '0 0 150px 0') .html(html); jQuery('body').append(layer); Durian.alertLayer(layer, msg, type); } }); } catch (e) { alert(msg); } } }, alertLayer : function(layer, msg, type) { Durian.showLayer(layer, { center : true, block : true }) jQuery('#__loading_panel__').hide(); jQuery('#__alert_msg__').html(msg); jQuery("#__alert_button_ok__").focus(); if (type=='confirm') { jQuery("#__alert_button_cancel__").parent().css('display', 'inline-block'); } }, alertCloseMode : -1, /* default -1: history.back(); */ alertClose : function() { var mode = parseInt(Durian.alertCloseMode, 10); if (isNaN(mode) && Durian.alertCloseMode!='ALERT_BACK') { location.href = Durian.alertCloseMode; } else { switch (mode) { case 1 : location.reload(); break; case -2 : self.close(); break; case 0 : break; // do nothing(close layer only) case -3 : if(opener){ opener.location.reload(); self.close(); }else{ self.close(); } break; case -4 : parent.self.close(); break; case -1 : case 'ALERT_BACK': default : history.back(); break; } jQuery('#__alert__').hide(); jQuery('#__block_page__').hide(); } }, alertCancelMode : -1, /* default -1: history.back(); */ alertCancel : function() { var mode = parseInt(Durian.alertCancelMode, 10); if (isNaN(mode) && Durian.alertCancelMode!='ALERT_BACK') { location.href = Durian.alertCancelMode; } else { switch (mode) { case 1 : location.reload(); break; case -2 : self.close(); break; case 0 : break; // do nothing(close layer only) case -3 : if(opener){ opener.location.reload(); self.close(); }else{ self.close(); } break; case -4 : parent.self.close(); break; case -1 : case 'ALERT_BACK': default : history.back(); break; } jQuery('#__alert__').hide(); jQuery('#__block_page__').hide(); } }, hiddenLocation : function(url){ // drawHiddenFrame var hiddenFrame = jQuery('#__hidden_frame_for_act__'); if (hiddenFrame.length) { }else{ hiddenFrame = jQuery(''); jQuery('body').append(hiddenFrame); } try{ var uri = Durian.uriParser(url); if (!='' &&'?')>=0){ += "&__UseHiddenAct__=1"; }else{ = "?__UseHiddenAct__=1"; } var uri_pathname = uri.pathname; if (uri_pathname!='' && uri_pathname.substring(0,1)!='/'){ // IE는 맨앞에 /가 없다. uri_pathname = '/'+uri_pathname; } url = uri.protocol + "//" + + uri_pathname + + uri.hash; }catch(e){ url += (url.indexOf('?')>=0 ? '&' : '?') + "__UseHiddenAct__=1"; } if (window.__hidden_frame_for_act__){ window.__hidden_frame_for_act__.location.href = url; }else{ location.href = url; } }, showIf : function(obj, value) { if (value) { jQuery(obj).show(); } else { jQuery(obj).hide(); } }, showHide : function(show, hide) { if (hide) { jQuery(hide).each(function() { jQuery(this).hide(); }); } if (show) { jQuery(show).each(function() { jQuery(this).show(); }); } }, showLayer : function(obj, option) { obj = jQuery(obj); if (option.fadein){ obj.fadeIn(); }else{; } if (typeof == 'string') { obj.attr('style',; } else if (typeof == 'object') { obj.css(; } obj.css('position', 'fixed'); if ( { if(option.left) { var offset_left = option.left; } else { var offset_left = (jQuery(window).innerWidth() - obj.width()) / 2; } if( { var offset_top =; } else { var offset_top = (jQuery(window).innerHeight() - obj.height()) / 2; } obj.css({ left : offset_left, top : offset_top }); } var key = ['left', 'top', 'width', 'height']; for (var i=0; i'); obj.html(''); jQuery('body').append(obj); obj.option = option; obj.iframe = obj.find(':first-child'); // show layer this.showLayer(obj, option); // url if (typeof option.url == 'string') { obj.iframe.attr('src', option.url); } }, showLoading : function(msg) { var id = '__loading_panel__'; var div = jQuery('#' + id); if (!div.length) { div = jQuery('
'); div.css({ /*'position' : 'fixed',*/ 'border': '#787878 solid 2px', 'padding' : '10px', 'background': 'white', 'font-size' : '12pt' }); jQuery('body').append(div); } //div.html(msg); jQuery('#__loading_msg__').html(msg); Durian.showLayer(div, { center : true, block : true }); }, hideLoading : function() { jQuery('#__loading_panel__').hide(); jQuery('#__block_page__').hide(); }, showTooltip : function(obj, position) { if (!jQuery) return; if (!jQuery("#__tooltip_place__").is('div')) { jQuery(document.body).append(""); } var $tt = jQuery("#__tooltip_place__"); position = position || "RIGHT"; var ttt = jQuery(obj).attr('title') || jQuery(obj).attr('alt') || jQuery(obj).attr('tooltip'); if (ttt == null) return; jQuery(obj).attr('tooltip', ttt); jQuery(obj).removeAttr('title'); jQuery(obj).removeAttr('alt'); jQuery(obj).css('cursor', 'help'); $tt.html(ttt); $tt.css({ 'position': 'absolute', 'z-index': 1001, 'border': '#787878 solid 2px', 'padding': 5, 'background': 'lightyellow', 'font-size': '10pt' }); var tempX = jQuery(obj).offset().left + jQuery(obj).width() + 20; var tempY = jQuery(obj).offset().top - 10; if (position.indexOf("BOTTOM") >= 0) { tempY = jQuery(obj).offset().top + jQuery(obj).height() + 5; } else if (position.indexOf("TOP") >= 0) { tempY = jQuery(obj).offset().top - $tt.height() - 5; } else { tempY = jQuery(obj).offset().top - Math.ceil(Math.abs(jQuery(obj).height() - $tt.height()) / 2); } if (position.indexOf("LEFT") >= 0) { tempX = jQuery(obj).offset().left - $tt.width() - 5; } else if (position.indexOf("RIGHT") >= 0) { tempX = jQuery(obj).offset().left + jQuery(obj).width() + 5; } else { tempX = jQuery(obj).offset().left - Math.ceil(Math.abs(jQuery(obj).width() - $tt.width()) / 2); } if (tempX < 0) { tempX = 0; } if (tempY < 0) { tempY = 0; } $tt.css({ 'top': tempY, 'left': tempX }).show(); }, hideTooltip : function (obj) { if (!jQuery) return; jQuery("#__tooltip_place__").hide(); }, uriParser : function (uri){ var parser = document.createElement('a'); parser.href = uri; // parser.protocol; // => "http:" // parser.hostname; // => "" // parser.port; // => "3000" // parser.pathname; // => "/pathname/" // IE는 /없이시작됨 //; // => "?search=test" // parser.hash; // => "#hash" //; // => "" return parser; }, autoResizeIframe : function(iframe) { Util.autoResizeIframe(iframe); var obj = jQuery(iframe).parent(); if (obj.option) { if ( { var pos = jQuery(obj).getCenter(); jQuery(obj).offset(pos); } } }, // iframe resizing resizeIframe : function(iframe, height) { iframe = (typeof iframe == 'string') ? jQuery('#' + iframe) : jQuery(iframe); if (iframe.length) { if (height > 0) { iframe.css('height', height); } else { Util.autoResizeIframe(iframe, true, false); //Durian.autoResizeIframe(iframe); } } }, // DEPRECATED // parent : 1 base offset searchParentTag : function(obj, tag, offset) { tag = tag.toLowerCase(); var count = 0; var p = obj.parentNode; while (p != document.body) { if (p.tagName.toLowerCase() == tag) { count++; if (count == offset) { return p; } } p = p.parentNode; } return false; }, // DEPRECATED // child : 1 base offset searchChildTag : function(obj, tag, offset) { var list = obj.getElementsByTagName(tag); if (typeof list[offset-1] != 'undefined') { return list[offset-1]; } else { return false; } }, // DEPRECATED // prev : 1 base offset searchPrevSameTag : function(obj, offset, parent) { var tag = obj.tagName; var list = (parent || document).getElementsByTagName(tag); var key = -1; for (var i=0; i -1 && key >= offset) { return list[key - offset]; } else { return false; } }, // DEPRECATED // next : 1 base offset searchNextSameTag : function(obj, offset, parent) { var tag = obj.tagName; var list = (parent || document).getElementsByTagName(tag); var key = -1; for (var i=0; i -1 && key + offset < list.length) { return list[key + offset]; } else { return false; } }, // DEPRECATED searchByClassName : function(obj, className) { var result = jQuery('.' + className, obj); if (result.length) { return result; } else { return false; } }, // popup window openWin : function(name, url, x, y, sc) { if (arguments.length > 2) { var winl = (screen.width - x) / 2; var wint = (screen.height - y) / 2; var w =, name, 'scrollbars=' + sc + ', resizable=yes, width=' + x + ', height=' + y + ', top='+wint+', left='+winl); } else { var w =, name); } if (w) { w.focus(); } return w; }, // modal window openModalWin : function(url, x, y, resize, arg) { if (window.showModalDialog) { return Durian.openWin('', url, x, y, resize); } else { return window.showModalDialog(url, arg || self, 'dialogHeight: '+y+'px; dialogWidth: '+x+'px; edge: Raised; center: Yes; help: No; resizable: '+resize+'; status: No; scroll: No;'); } }, // open webftp window openWebFTP : function(imgServer) { if (!imgServer) { imgServer = location.href.slice(0, location.href.indexOf('/', 7)); } x = 1024; y = 685; var winl = (screen.width - x) / 2; var wint = (screen.height - y) / 2; var w = + '/admin/?act=common.webftp&ch=pop', 'webftp', 'scrollbars=no, resizable=no, width=' + x + ', height=' + y + ', top='+wint+', left='+winl); w.focus(); return w; }, // clipboard copy - ZeroClipboard attachClipCopy : function(obj, callback, endCallback) { ZeroClipboard.setMoviePath('/common/js/ZeroClipboard/ZeroClipboard.swf'); var clip = new ZeroClipboard.Client(); clip.setHandCursor(true); clip.addEventListener('mousedown', callback); if (endCallback) { clip.addEventListener('complete', endCallback); } clip.glue(jQuery(obj).get(0)); jQuery(obj).mouseover(function(evt) { clip.reposition(this); }); }, imgDefault : function(img, src) { if (!src || /^[0-9]+$/.test(src) || > -1) { var size = parseInt((src || img.width || img.getAttribute('width')), 10) || 100; if (size <= 50) { src = '/data/images/default/common/default_50.gif'; } else if (size <= 100) { src = '/data/images/default/common/default_100.gif'; } else if (size <= 300) { src = '/data/images/default/common/default_300.gif'; } else { src = '/data/images/default/common/default_500.gif'; } } if ( == -1) { img.src = src; } }, formatPrice : function(value, decimal, forceSign){ var sign = ''; if ( typeof value != 'number' ) value = parseFloat(value); if (isNaN(value)) value = 0.0; if (decimal==null || typeof decimal == "undefined") decimal = 0; value = value.round(decimal); //.toFixed(decimal); if (forceSign && value > 0) sign = '+'; var parts = value.toString().split("."); parts[0] = parts[0].replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ","); return sign + parts.join("."); }, // upload checkUploadCount : function(option) { option = jQuery.extend(option, {}); var max = parseInt(option.max, 10) || 0; if (!max) { return true; } var count = count2 = 0; if (typeof option.single != 'undefined' && option.single == true) { count = !option.file_path ? 0 : 1; count2 = !option.db_file_path ? 0 : 1; } else { count = option.list ? jQuery('> *', option.list).length : 0; count2 = option.db_list ? jQuery('> *', option.db_list).length : 0; } var total = count + count2; if (max <= total) { alert('첨부파일은 최대 ' + max + '개까지 업로드 가능합니다.'); return false; } else { return true; } }, openUploadWin : function(option) { option = jQuery.extend({ act : 'common.popup_upload2', ch : 'pop', upload_mode : 'FILE' }, option || {}); var domain = 'http://' + Durian.getDomain(); var img_server = 'http://' + Durian.getImgServer(); var sub_path = Durian.getDomainSubPath(); option.domain = domain; var query = ''.encodeQuery(option); if (sub_path) { return Durian.openWin('upload', img_server + sub_path + '/?' + query, 550, 400, 'yes'); } else { return Durian.openWin('upload', img_server + '?' + query, 600, 450, 'yes'); } }, openUploadWinSingle : function(option) { option = jQuery.extend({ act : 'common.popup_upload', ch : 'pop', upload_mode : 'FILE' }, option || {}); var domain = 'http://' + Durian.getDomain(); var img_server = 'http://' + Durian.getImgServer(); var sub_path = Durian.getDomainSubPath(); option.domain = domain; var query = ''.encodeQuery(option); if (sub_path) { return Durian.openWin('upload', domain + sub_path + '/?' + query, 550, 300, 'yes'); } else { return Durian.openWin('upload', domain + '?' + query, 520, 250, 'yes'); } }, ajaxDeleteFile : function(option, obj) { option = jQuery.extend({ act : 'common.upload_delete_ajax', upload_mode : 'FILE' }, option || {}); jQuery.ajax({ url : './', type : 'post', data : option, dataType : 'JSON', success : function(data) { if (data.success) { applyDeleteFile(data, obj); } else { alert(data.msg); } } }); }, getDomain : function() { return location.href.split('/')[2]; }, getDomainSubPath : function() { var path = location.href.split('/')[3]; if (path == 'admin') { return '/admin'; } else if (path == 'seller') { return '/seller'; } else { return ''; } }, getBaseDomain : function() { var domain = Durian.getDomain(); // ip if (^[0-9\.]+$/) > -1) { return domain; } var tmp = domain.split('.'); var l = tmp.length; if (l > 2) { if (tmp[l-2].search(/^(co|ne|or|pe|go|com|net|org)$/) > -1) { return tmp.slice(-3).join('.'); } else { return tmp.slice(-2).join('.'); } } else { return domain; } }, getImgServer : function() { return Durian.getDomain(); }, // Editor initEditor : function(id, externalObject) { var skinUrl = "/common/js/smarteditor/SmartEditor2Skin.html"; var creator = "createSEditor2"; externalObject = typeof externalObject !== 'undefined' ? externalObject : null; if(externalObject != null) { var oEditors = externalObject; }else{ var oEditors = []; } switch(typeof(id)) { case "string" : nhn.husky.EZCreator.createInIFrame({ oAppRef: oEditors, elPlaceHolder: id, sSkinURI: skinUrl, fCreator: creator, htParams: { fOnBeforeUnload : function(){}} }); break; case "object" : if( === "[object Array]") { for(var i = 0; i < id.length; i++) { nhn.husky.EZCreator.createInIFrame({ oAppRef: oEditors, elPlaceHolder: id[i], sSkinURI: skinUrl, fCreator: creator, htParams: { fOnBeforeUnload : function(){}} }); } }else{ //console.log("Not support object type."); } break; default : //console.log("Not support variable type."); } jQuery("form").submit(function() { var textareaId; var textareaCnt = jQuery(".textarea").length; if(textareaCnt > 1) { for(var i = 0; i < textareaCnt; i++) { textareaId = jQuery(".textarea:eq(" + i + ")").attr("id"); oEditors.getById[textareaId].exec("UPDATE_CONTENTS_FIELD", []); } }else if(textareaCnt == 0){ }else{ textareaId = jQuery(".textarea").attr("id"); oEditors.getById[textareaId].exec("UPDATE_CONTENTS_FIELD", []); } }); }, updateEditor : function(id, externalObject) { externalObject = typeof externalObject !== 'undefined' ? externalObject : null; if(externalObject != null) { var oEditors = externalObject; }else{ var oEditors = []; } oEditors.getById[id].exec("UPDATE_CONTENTS_FIELD", []); if(document.getElementById(id).value == '
' || document.getElementById(id).value == '


') { document.getElementById(id).value = ''; } }, // upload initUpload : function(option) { return new Durian.SWFUpload(option); //return new Durian.TrueUpload(option); }, // display Image or Flash displayImageFlash : function(url, width, height) { if (\.swf$/i) > -1) { Durian.displayFlash(url, width, height); } else { Durian.displayImage(url, width, height); } }, displayImage : function(url, width, height) { if (width && height) { var size = 'width="' + width + '" height="' + height + '"'; } else { var size = ''; } var html = ''; document.write(html); }, // displayFlash displayFlash : function(url, width, height, id, vars, wmode, bg, scriptAccess) { var html = Durian.getFlashHTML(url, width, height, id, vars, wmode, bg); document.write(html); }, getFlashHTML : function(url, width, height, id, vars, wmode, bg, scriptAccess) { if (width && height) { var size = 'width="' + width + '" height="' + height + '"'; } else { var size = 'width="100%"'; } if (!id) { id = Util.randomId(4, 'flash'); } if (!vars) { vars = ''; } if (!wmode) { wmode = 'transparent'; } if (!bg) { bg = '#FFFFFF'; } if (!scriptAccess) { scriptAccess = 'sameDomain'; } var html = '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + ' ' + '' + '' + '' + ''; return html; }, // block page blockPage : function(zIndex, color) { if (!zIndex) { zIndex = 1000; } var id = '__block_page__'; var div = jQuery('#' + id); if (!div.length) { div = jQuery('
'); div.css({ 'position' : 'absolute', 'left' : '0px', 'top' : '0px', //'border' : '1px solid red', //'cursor' : 'not-allowed', 'zIndex' : zIndex }); jQuery('body').append(div); } if (color) { div.css({ 'backgroundColor' : color, 'filter' : 'alpha(opacity=30)', 'opacity' : 0.3 }); } div .show() .width(jQuery(document).width()) .height(jQuery(document).height()); }, // check if member (not secure!) isMember : function() { if (Util.getCookie('user_level')) { return true; } else { return false; } }, // add bookmark // refered to bookmark : function(url, title) { if (Util.isIE) { window.external.AddFavorite(url, title); } else if (Util.isFF && window.sidebar.addPanel) { window.sidebar.addPanel(title, url, ''); } else if (Util.isOpera) { var elem = document.createElement('a'); elem.setAttribute('href',url); elem.setAttribute('title',title); elem.setAttribute('rel', 'sidebar');; } else { alert((navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('mac') != - 1 ? 'Command/Cmd' : 'CTRL') + ' + D 키를 눌러 북마크에 추가하세요.'); } }, // apply check all checkbox applyCheckAll : function(obj) { jQuery(obj).each(function() { var objAll = this; var name = jQuery(objAll).attr('name'); var val = jQuery(objAll).val(); if ( > -1) { var list = jQuery(objAll.form.elements[name]).filter(':checkbox:gt(0)'); } else { var list = jQuery(objAll.form.elements[val]).filter(':checkbox'); } jQuery(objAll).click(function() { var flag = this.checked ? true : false; jQuery(list).each(function() { if(!this.disabled){ this.checked = flag; if ( jQuery(this).checkboxradio ) { jQuery(this).checkboxradio("refresh"); } } }); }); jQuery(list).click(function(evt) { var flag = (list.length == list.filter(':checked').length); objAll.checked = flag; if ( jQuery(objAll).checkboxradio ) { jQuery(objAll).checkboxradio("refresh"); } }); }); } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // init common Durian.initCommon = { isUser : location.href.indexOf('/admin/') == -1 ? true : false, isSeller : location.href.indexOf('/seller/') != -1 ? true : false, isPopup :|iframe)/) > -1 ? true : false, isMobile : location.href.indexOf('/m/') == -1 ? false : true, init : function() { var D = Durian.initCommon; // user if (D.isSeller) { D.initSeller(); // seller } else if (D.isUser) { D.initUser(); // admin } else { D.initAdmin(); } // common // tooltip D.initTooltip(); // inputbox D.initInputBox(); // mask layer if(D.isMobile == true){ window.onorientationchange = function() { jQuery('#__block_page__').height(jQuery('body').height()); } } }, // seller initSeller : function() { var D = Durian.initCommon; // popup launch D.popupCookieName = 'POPUP_SELLER'; if (!D.isPopup) { D.initPopup(); } }, // user initUser : function() { var D = Durian.initCommon; // fly try { var obj_fly = ['L_TODAY_GOODS', 'L_QUICK_MENU']; for (var i=0; i -1) { jQuery(list[j]).on('click', D.onPopViewBBS); } } } } } catch (e) {} // popup launch D.popupCookieName = 'POPUP_DATA'; if (!D.isPopup) { D.initPopup(); } if (document.layers) window.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEDOWN); // ban mouse right button and drag selection if ((typeof SHOP_MP != 'undefined') && SHOP_MP) { D.drag = false; jQuery(document).on('contextmenu', function() { return false; }); jQuery(document).on('mousedown', function(evt) { if (evt.which == 1) { D.drag = true; } else { return false; } }); if (Util.isIE) { jQuery(document).on('dragstart', function() { console.log('ds'); return false; }); jQuery(document).on('selectstart', function() { return false; }); } else { jQuery(document).on('mousemove', function(evt) { if (D.drag == true && evt.which == 1) { window.getSelection().removeAllRanges(); } }); jQuery(document).on('mouseup', function(evt) { D.drag = false; }); } } }, initAdmin : function() { var D = Durian.initCommon; // start admin auto logout if not login/logout page if (typeof ADMIN_LOGOUT_TIME != 'undefined') { var query = location.href.decodeQuery(true); if (typeof query.act == 'string' &&'login.') == -1) { D.checkAdminLogoutTime(); } } }, // admin auto logout checkAdminLogoutTime : function() { var D = Durian.initCommon; if (D.admin_access_start && D.admin_logout_check) { var now = new Date(); if (ADMIN_LOGOUT_TIME > 0) { if (D.admin_logout_time - now.valueOf() <= 0) { // goto logout location.href = './?act=login.logout_act&auto_logout=1'; } else { D.displayAdminLogoutTime(); } } // access every 5 minutes if (now.valueOf() - D.admin_temp_access > 5 * 60000) { D.admin_temp_access = now.valueOf(); jQuery.ajax({ url : './', type : 'POST', dataType : 'JSON', data : { act : 'login.admin_access_ajax' }, success : function(data) { if (data.success && data.admin_access_time) { D.admin_logout_time = data.admin_access_time * 1000 + + ADMIN_LOGOUT_TIME * 60000; } } }); } D.admin_logout_check = setTimeout(D.checkAdminLogoutTime, 1000); } else { D.admin_access_start = (new Date()).valueOf(); D.admin_temp_access = D.admin_access_start; if (ADMIN_LOGOUT_TIME > 0) { D.admin_logout_time = D.admin_access_start + ADMIN_LOGOUT_TIME * 60000; } D.admin_logout_check = setTimeout(D.checkAdminLogoutTime, 1000); } }, displayAdminLogoutTime : function() { // display rest logout time var D = Durian.initCommon; var time = Math.round((D.admin_logout_time - (new Date()).valueOf()) / 1000); return time; }, // popup initPopup : function() { var D = Durian.initCommon; var query = location.href.parseQuery(true); var query_param = query.act; if (query_param) { if (query_param == 'main' || query_param == 'main.index') { D.getPopupListAjax(); } else { var data = Util.getCookie(D.popupCookieName); if (!data || data == '-1') { D.getPopupListAjax(); } else if (data != '-1') { D.applyPopup(data); } } } else { D.getPopupListAjax(); } }, applyPopup : function(data) { var D = Durian.initCommon; var query = location.href.parseQuery(true); var list = data.split('|^|'); for (var i=0; i 0){ // IE 9.x width = parseInt(width)-4; height = parseInt(height)-4; } else if(navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Trident") > 0){ // IE 11.x width = parseInt(width)-4; height = parseInt(height)-4; } else if(navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Firefox") > 0) { width = parseInt(width)+2; // FF } // 팝업창 재표시 기간 레이어 영역 높이에 추가 height = parseInt(height) + 25; var D = Durian.initCommon; var block_name = D.popupCookieName + '_BLOCK_' + seq; if (Util.getCookie(block_name)) { return; } if(wType == '0') { var winWidth = document.body.clientWidth; var winX = window.screenX || window.screenLeft || 0; }else { var winWidth = jQuery(window).width(); var winX = jQuery(window).scrollLeft(); } var winHeight = jQuery(window).height(); var winY = jQuery(window).scrollTop(); if(pType == '0') { // 사용자 지정 위치 if(wType == '0') { left = (winX - winWidth) + left; }else { left = winX + left; } }else if(pType == '1') { //상단 좌측 정렬 left = ''; top = '0'; }else if(pType == '2') { //상단 중앙 정렬 left = winX + ((winWidth - width) / 2); top = '0'; }else if(pType == '3') { //상단 우측 정렬 left = winX + (winWidth - width - 2); top = '0'; }else if(pType == '4') { //가운데 정렬 left = winX + ((winWidth - width) / 2); top = winY + ((winHeight - height) / 2); } var url = '?act=common.event_popup_view&seq=' + seq; if (wType == '0') { var scroll = (scroll == '0' ? 'no' : 'yes'); var win =, 'event_' + seq, 'width=' + width + ', height=' + height + ', left=' + left + ', top=' + top + ', scrollbars=' + scroll); if (win) { win.focus(); } } else if(wType == '3') { // mobile var D = Durian.initCommon; jQuery.ajax({ url : '/m/', type : 'POST', dataType : 'JSON', data : { act : 'common.event_popup_layer', seq : seq }, success : function(data) { if (data.content) { var id = 'layer_event_'+seq; var div = jQuery('#' + id); if (!div.length) { div = jQuery('') .html(data.content); div.css({ 'border' : '#787878 solid 1px', 'margin' : '10px', 'background' : 'white', 'font-size' : '12pt', 'left' : '0', 'top' : '0' }); jQuery('body').append(div); } Durian.showLayer(div, { block : true }); } } }); } else { var scroll = (scroll == '0' ? 'hidden' : 'scroll'); var layer_index = 1000 + parseInt(seq, 10); var div = document.createElement('div'); var D = Durian.initCommon; jQuery(div).attr('id', 'layer_event_' + seq); jQuery(div).css({ 'position' : 'absolute', 'width' : width , 'height' : height, 'margin' : 0, 'left' : left + 'px', 'top' : top + 'px', 'border' : '1px solid #CCCCCC', 'backgroundColor' : '#FFFFFF', 'z-index' : layer_index, 'overflow-x' : 'hidden', 'overflow-y' : scroll }); document.body.appendChild(div); if (wType == '1') { jQuery(div).draggable(); } D.getPopupContentAjax(seq); } }, getPopupContentAjax : function(seq) { var D = Durian.initCommon; jQuery.ajax({ url : D.isSeller ? '/seller/' : '/', type : 'POST', dataType : 'JSON', data : { act : 'common.event_popup_layer', seq : seq }, success : function(data) { if (data.content) { var popup_div = jQuery('#layer_event_' + data.seq); jQuery(popup_div).html(data.content); } } }); }, closePopupLayer : function(seq, block_time) { var div = jQuery('#layer_event_' + seq); var block = jQuery('#chk_block_' + seq + ':checked'); if (block.length) { var D = Durian.initCommon; var block_name = D.popupCookieName + '_BLOCK_' + seq; Util.setCookie(block_name, 1, block_time, '/'); } jQuery('#__block_page__').hide(); if (div) { div.remove(); } else { self.close(); } }, closePopup : function(seq) { jQuery('#layer_event_' + seq).remove(); }, onPopupLayerMove : function(evt) { jQuery('#' + + '_iframe').css('visibility', 'hidden'); }, onPopupLayerEnd : function(evt) { jQuery('#' + + '_iframe').css('visibility', 'visible'); }, checkQueryMatch : function(base, part) { var flag = true; for (var key in part) { if (typeof base[key] == 'undefined' || base[key] != part[key]) { flag = false; break; } } return flag; }, getPopupListAjax : function() { var D = Durian.initCommon; if(D.isMobile == true){ var popup_mobile = 1; } else { var popup_mobile = 0; } jQuery.ajax({ url : D.isSeller ? '/seller/' : '/', type : 'POST', dataType : 'TEXT', data : { act : 'common.event_popup_ajax', mobile : popup_mobile }, success : function(data) { var D = Durian.initCommon; if (data) { D.applyPopup(data); Util.setCookie(D.popupCookieName, data, 0, '/'); } else { Util.setCookie(D.popupCookieName, -1, 0, '/'); } } }); }, getPopupListAjaxCallback : function(r) { if (typeof r != 'undefined') { var D = Durian.initCommon; if (r) { D.applyPopup(r); Util.setCookie(D.popupCookieName, r, 0, '/'); } else { Util.setCookie(D.popupCookieName, -1, 0, '/'); } } }, // tooltip initTooltip : function(){ var hover = function(){ var position = "RIGHT"; if (jQuery(this).hasClass('TOP')){ position = "TOP"; }else if (jQuery(this).hasClass('BOTTOM')){ position = "BOTTOM"; }else if (jQuery(this).hasClass('LEFT')){ position = "LEFT"; } Durian.showTooltip(this, position); return false; } var out = function(){ Durian.hideTooltip(); return false; } jQuery('.tooltip') .mouseenter(hover).click(hover).on("focus", hover) .mouseleave(out).on("blur", out) ; }, initInputBox : function(obj) { jQuery('input[type=text], input[type=password]', obj) .focus(function() { jQuery(this).addClass('on'); }) .blur(function() { jQuery(this).removeClass('on'); }); jQuery("input.number_only").css("ime-mode", "disabled"); jQuery("input.price_only").css("ime-mode", "disabled"); jQuery("input.ip_only").css("ime-mode", "disabled"); jQuery(document) // 숫자 입력폼 이벤트 매칭 .on('keypress', "input.number_only", function(event){ var allowed_minus_sign = jQuery(this).hasClass('allow-minus-sign'); if (!(event.charCode>0||event.keyCode>0||event.which>0)){ if (window.event && (window.event.charCode>0||window.event.keyCode>0||window.event.which>0)) event = window.event; } var key = event.charCode>0 ? 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match[1] : 'bbs_dummy'; Durian.openWin(bbs_code, url, 700, 500, 'yes'); } } // for flash wizard function flashInfo(id, w, h) { jQuery('#' + id + '[inited!="1"]').setSize(w, h).attr('inited', 1); jQuery('#' + id + '_box').setSize(w, h); if (jQuery.browser.msie) { jQuery('#' + id).setSize(w, h); } else { jQuery('#' + id + '_embed').setSize(w, h); } } // return checkbox_value to text // id : table/form obj // mode : true/false // name : checkbox name function getCheckAll(obj, mode, name) { var obj = $id(obj); var input = obj.getElementsByTagName('input'); var temp = new Array(); if (mode == true) { if (name != '' && typeof name != 'undefined' ) { for (i = 0; i < input.length; i++) { if ((input[i].type == 'checkbox' && input[i].value != '') && (input[i].name == name && input[i].checked == true)) { temp.push(input[i].value); } } } else { for (i = 0; i < input.length; i++) { if ((input[i].type == 'checkbox' && input[i].value != '') && input[i].checked == true) { temp.push(input[i].value); } } } } else { if (name != '' && typeof name != 'undefined' ) { for (i = 0; i < input.length; i++) { if ((input[i].type == 'checkbox' && input[i].value != '') && input[i].name == name) { temp.push(input[i].value); } } } else { for (i = 0; i < input.length; i++) { if (input[i].type == 'checkbox' && input[i].value != '') { temp.push(input[i].value); } } } } return temp.join(','); } // 상품 바로구매 및 장바구니 담기 function popupGoodTmp(good_seq, type, multi_seq, cate_code) { var param = ''; if (multi_seq != '') { param = '&multi_seq=' + multi_seq; } else { param = '&good_seq=' + good_seq; } if ( cate_code!='' && cate_code!='undefined' && cate_code!=undefined ) { param += '&cate_code='+cate_code; } Durian.openWin('popup_goods_tmp', '?act=shop.popup_goods_tmp&mode=' + type + param, 400, 600, 'yes'); } // console.log지원하지 않는 브라우져용 if (typeof console === "undefined" || typeof console.log === "undefined") { console = {}; console.log = function(msg) { /* 지원하지 않음 alert(msg); */ }; } //소수점 특정 자릿수 이하 버림 function toDecimal(x, digit) { var value = x.toString(); if (value.indexOf('.') < 0) { } else { value = value.substr(0, value.indexOf('.') + (digit + 1)); } return value; } //소수점 계산 hjpark - 2013-10-17 function decimalMath(x, y, op, digit) { if(!isNaN(x) || !isNaN(y)) { var xValue, yValue, base, xResult, yResult, result; if(digit > 0) { xValue = x * 100; yValue = y * 100; base = Math.pow(10, digit); xValue = Math.round(xValue * base) / base; yValue = Math.round(yValue * base) / base; }else{ xValue = x; yValue = y; } xResult = Math.floor(xValue); yResult = Math.floor(yValue); switch(op) { case 'plus' : result = xResult + yResult; break; case 'minus' : result = xResult - yResult; break; case 'multiply' : result = xResult * yResult; break; case 'divide' : result = xResult / yResult; break; default : result = xResult + yResult; } result = result / 100; }else{ result = null; } return result; } // 쿠폰 다운로드 function goCouponDown(seq) { jQuery.ajax({ url : './', type : 'POST', dataType : 'JSON', data : { act : 'shop.coupon_down_ajax', coupon_seq : seq, dummy : Util.random(1, 10000) }, success : goCouponDownCallback }); } function goCouponDownCallback(r) { if (typeof r != 'undefined') { alert(r.msg); document.location.reload(); } } // Mobile Share function onMobileShareClick(evt) { var obj = this; //* var id =; var sns_share_uri = '', site_uri = '', param = '', good_seq = '{good_seq}'; if (good_seq) { site_uri = '?act=shop.goods_view%26GS=' + good_seq; } switch (id) { case 'sns_share_facebook': sns_share_uri = ''; param = 'u=' + "{=mall_getShopMainUrl()}" + site_uri + '&t=' + "{mobile_policy.mobilep_title}"; param = encodeURI(param);'http://' + sns_share_uri + '?' + param, 'sns_pop', 'menubar=no'); break; case 'sns_share_twitter': sns_share_uri = ''; param = 'status=' + "{=mall_getShopMainUrl()}" + site_uri + " {mobile_policy.mobilep_title}"; param = encodeURI(param);'http://' + sns_share_uri + '?' + param, 'sns_pop', 'menubar=no'); break; case 'sns_share_kakaostory': var sns_url = obj.getAttribute('sns_url'); var sns_img = obj.getAttribute('sns_img'); var sns_appid = obj.getAttribute('sns_appid'); var sns_appname = obj.getAttribute('sns_appname'); var sns_title = obj.getAttribute('sns_title'); var sns_msg = obj.getAttribute('sns_msg'); executeKakaoStoryLink(sns_url, sns_img, sns_appid, sns_appname, sns_title, sns_msg) break; } } function executeKakaoStoryLink(sns_url, sns_img, sns_appid, sns_appname, sns_title, sns_msg) {"story").send({ post : sns_url, appid : sns_appid, appver : "1.0", appname : sns_appname, urlinfo : JSON.stringify({title:sns_title, desc:sns_msg, imageurl:[sns_img], type:"article"}) }); } jQuery(document).ready(Durian.initCommon.init);